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The 6th Armoured Guards uses the British Army ranks from WWII. More specifically the ranks used by the Guards Regiments. Historically, and still to this day, the Guards ranks were at some point different compared to the regular Army. For example, the basic rank of Private is replaced by the rank of Guardsman. 


All promotions are handled by the 151 - Brigade HQ, advised by the Field Officers and Senior NCO's. Typically, the rank hierarchy is followed and no ranks are to be skipped. With the exception to the WO ranks.

The promotions are announced in the Mention in Dispatches on the Discord server and the website.


Members are not automatically eligible for promotion when they have reached the minimum service time requirement. Promotions are based on the individual skill, dedication, discipline and other desired skills. In addition, there is a cap on the number of NCOs, WOs and COs. This cap is depending on the current size of the unit.




MAJOR (Maj.)

The rank of Major is currently the highest rank within the unit.
In its current state, the Major is a honorary rank and does not hold a active battle commission.
The Major acts as the figurehead of the unit but does not preform any operational duties for the unit or holds an active command. The rank is typically reserved for the unit founder.

The current Major of the unit is Maj. S. Bertrand. 



The rank of Captain is the second highest rank within the unit. The Captain rank is currently the highest active battle commission rank.
The Captain acts as the acting commander, having the highest administrative and moderative authority on all members of any rank. The Captain hold exclusive Veto power over all decisions made within the unit. Members appointed to the rank of Captain must have three years of service and extensive experience as a battle commander. In addition, they must embody the unit ethos of commitment and teamwork.

The current Captain of the unit is Capt. J. Harper.



The rank of Lieutenant is currently the third highest rank within the unit. The Lieutenant acts as the most senior advisor to the Captain, assigned to the 151 - Battalion HQ. The Lieutenant acts as Third-in-Command  for the entire unit at absence of the Major and Captain. Members must have 36 months of service, and extensive experience as a competent battle commander. The Lieutenant typically handled disciplinary questions, reviews promotion recommendations, and is deeply involved in the general evolution of the unit. The Lieut. is typically in command during events, in absence of the Captain.

The current Lieutenant of the unit is Lieut. C. Reid.

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The rank of Second Lieutenant is the most junior Officer rank within the unit. Members commissioned as 2/Lieut. typically have 20 months of service and staff-level experience. 
A second lieutenant is typically the commanding officer of an element, composed of three to four squadrons. The 2/Lieut. is the highest ranked within each element, he can promote members up to the rank of L/Sgt. and holds overall command on the assigned element. During events, the 2/Lieut
. is typically in command, in absence of the Lieut. and Capt.
 The 2/Lieut. is typically assisted by a CSM.

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The rank of WOI is a hybrid rank, which positions itself between the Officer and NCO cadre. Typically, the Warrant Officer rank is bestowed when there are no commissions available. Warrant Officers typically get appointed to an specific position, with a dedicated rank. Members appointed the rank of WOI are required have 18 months of service and staff-level experience.

There are currently no WOI appointments within the unit.

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The rank of WOII is a hybrid rank, which positions itself between the Officer and NCO cadre. Typically, the Warrant Officer rank is bestowed when there are no officer commissions available. Warrant Officers typically get appointed to an specific position, with a dedicated rank. Members appointed the rank of WO2 are required have 16 months of service and staff-level experience.

Currently, the only WOII appointment is the Company Sergeant Major (CSM.). The CSM. is assigned to the element HQ's. The CSM. outranks the C/Sgt, although preforms the majority of the same tasks.



The Color Sergeant is the prestigious appointment given to NCO's of the Sergeant rank. The Color Sergeant is ranked equally to a Sgt but holds a higher prestige. The number of C/Sgt.'s is restricted to one C/Sgt. per element. The C/Sgt. has the same responsibilities and tasks as the SgtAnyone considered for the rank of C/Sgt. must have at least 16 months of experience, shown great dedication to the unit and good organization skills. The Color Sergeant is considered an elite and prestigious rank, reserved only for the most dedicated members. Color Sergeants are appointed through approval by the entire command staff.



The Sergeant is a mid-tier NCO rank. Members appointed the rank of Sgt. typically have 12 months of service to the unit, and has held the rank of L/Sgt. at least two months and proven himself a capable Sqn leader before being able to be promoted to Sgt. The Sgt. has the same responsibilities as the L/Sgt, but has more involvement at Element level planning. A Sergeant is expected to be a capable Squad Leader, who trains and maintains discipline within his squad.

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The rank of Lance Sergeant is typically given to newly appointed Sqn. leaders. A L/Sgt. typically has 8 months of service to the unit and has shown leadership qualities. A new appointed L/Sgt. is typically mentored by the C/Sgt. The L/Sgt. is responsible for the battle-readiness and discipline within his Sqn. As the Squad Leader, the L/Sgt. is usually NCO which has the most interaction with Gdsm. The SL is also the first to be contact for issues, according to the chain of command.



The rank of Lance Corporal is the most Junior NCO rank of the unit. Members appointed to the rank of L/Cpl. have shown discipline, dedication to the unit and leadership qualities. A clean service record of 4 months is required and passing the CRQ. The L/Cpl. can be in charge of Charlie or MG team if required. Otherwise, the L/Cpl. will generally occupy with minor tasks such as assisting with trainings and maintaining discipline. The L/Cpl. should be regarded as a role model for other Gdsm.



All members who successfully completed their BCT are enlisted as Gdsm. and are considered full-members of the unit. The Gdsm. forms the main force and the backbone of our unit. Divided in squadrons, Gdsm. can either join infantry or armored Sqn.'s. Experienced and more trained Gdsm. are eligible to join specialized Sqn.'s. All the Gdsm. have access to unit events, trainings, services and offline unit meetups.


CADET (Cdt.)

The Cadet is the lowest rank of our unit. All new-enlisted members are drafted as Cdt.'s and must pass a trial period of minimum two weeks. Cdt's have access to unit events, but have the lowest priority in slot. Cdt's. have generally no access to unit trainings or specialist courses and cannot receive any decorations. All Cdt's are mandatory to follow the BCT to be promoted to Gdsm. Failing to take the BCT, after several chances, will result in the removal from the unit.

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